Customized for You

Create unforgettable experiences
with our expert guidance

We do our best to ensure a seamless experience. As we prepare for the trip, below are some common questions we get. While we are not travel agents, we can help make travel process easier for you!

Commonly Asked Questions

Do I need a Passport?

Yes! Not only do you need a passport your name submitted to us must match your passport. Sorry, nicknames won’t get you through security.

How long does it take to get a Passport?

Routinely 6-8 weeks. If your passport is going to expire within the month we will be there, you should renew your passport.

Do you need my TSA Pre-Check or Global Entry Number?

Yes! If you would like to use your benefits of having these numbers, we must know them prior to booking your flights.

Special Requests?

If you have special request, please let us know immediately so that we can inform the travel agent.

Does the Decision Maker have to Attend the Trip?

Yes. This is a business rewards trip. It is not intended to be a family/friends trip. This is an adult only program.

Am I able to Upgrade my Room?

This is on a first come, first serve basis. If you would like to upgrade, then let us know immediately. We coordinate this with our travel agent now, not at the time of final confirmations.

When do I get to Choose My Excursions?

We will send out emails when excursions are available to choose from at the resort. Once you’ve made your decision on which excursion you will participate, you cannot change it.

Still have Questions?

Email Us.